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​Café de la Montaña
           "Enjoy the Best Coffee in the World"​


Café de la Montaña is committed to sustainability in all forms – social, economic and environmental. In order for our estates to continue thriving and producing high quality coffee we keep and develop sustainable practices.

Sustainable development is the process by which natural resources are preserved, conserved, and protected for the benefit of present and future generations.

We have developed solid relationships with our farmers and we are aware of the importance of excellent grain handling and processes that achieve the best quality product.  In Cafe de la Montaña we protect de integrity of the cup, without compromising environmental resources. We strive to implement sustainable development concepts into practice.

We have created the Sustainable Antioquia Partnership (SAP) to insure we are always promoting care of the planet, healthy jobs, and educational opportunities for coffee farmer families and their communities.

Social Commitment

At Café de la Montaña one of our most important missions is helping coffee-farming families improve the quality of their lives; If we are to protect the future of coffee, we must protect those who produce it.  


We invest in education, helping all coffee recolectors and young generations with training for their present and futures as expert roasters, cuppers, baristas, coffee connoisseurs, entrepreneurs, growers etc.  


The proper training of the rural producers and their families is key to achieve sustainable changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behavior.

Cafe de la Montaña firmly believe that education, generates personal, family and community development.

We are interested in strengthening the community with the tools and skills that will allow them to be competitive in business at national and international levels, achieving what they deserve, and improving their quality of life.
Our social  and sustainable policies are infused throughout the entire coffee chain from seed to cup, beneficially impacting the coffee growers, coffee consumers and our Planet.


© Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved Café de la Montaña. No Animals were harmed in the making and all farmers benefit.

© Derechos de Autor 2013 Todos los Derechos Reservados de Café de la Montaña. Ningun animal fue perjudicado y todos los caficultores son beneficiados.

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